Monday, January 11, 2021

Brande et Brant Geese Part One

Mogette et son Propriétaire...Yesterday and hier

Did go... to la mer, in mid-winter blue crystal air

Encore to summer house of Clemenceau

And there...With two degrés of température

And wind of Nord...She posed for a photo

For you, dear Mogettistes..Next to a hole, un trou

In garden fence cloture ...Which is made of matériaux

In France, we call BRANDE...

Not like en anglais BRAND, oh no, les amis et amies...Rien à voir

Nothing to see...

Not "Marque de manufacture" ...This cloture, she

...Mogette knows very well 

Is made of élément... cent-pour cent...Naturel.

We say in French "Bruyère"...Bicoz, for many francophone parleur

It is impossible to say


And so, the fence cloture of heather

Keeps out the winter windy weather

And peut-etre...Le regard oblique

Of visiteur every day of week

Who would like to say...He, or she, or they

Had had a clin d'oeil peek

Of dune garden... Inspired by Clemenceau's friend Monet...

And what, Mogette can hear you ask


Our little amie poète will...un-mask

The masquerade of these...Mystère mysteries

In next bad poésie...See you there!

(Apologies from Mogette, for missing accents circonflexes and others


Her clavier keyboard is défectu-oz)



1 comment:

  1. Nice one, Al. I could do with a few rolls of that here, to stop gaupers.
