Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Essence of Renaissance?

Today Mogette received a mail, type "E"
From friends of hers en Australie...

To Ralph and Mike and Tom
And John and Shayne and Don

To the sixty other members of their re-born "Club des down-under Citro-Ens"

Mogette would like to send her dodgy doggerel salutations: "G'day Ol' friends".

Merci beaucoup Marcel D'Oggerel, resident poet. Now click on the "Half-way to Sydney 1993" photo to visit the ACE Car Club of Western Australia.

Amour Toujours

A sunny Sunday au mois d'août
Mogette and a summertime photo-shoot
One "clic", voilà, it's done
Un tour à la plage?
Recherchons some Sun and Fun

Two cylinders, la mer est calme
One homme et une femme
Une Miss, un Mister...
Juste de quoi se distraire
Oh là là...
Un bow-tie s'en va...
Retour en nineteen eighty-four...
Souvenir de l'amour, toujours.

(Merci Marcel D'Oggerel. Now click on the pic for forty seconds of 2CV gold, courtesy of Jacques Seguéla's advertising agency in 1984...)