Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Mogette et Les Joséphinettes

On a sunny Sunday
Mogette est allée
To La Roche sur Yon
Of La Vendée

And there
Mogette shared
The atmosphere...
Pink Ladies
Who had arrived
From far and near...

Yes, Eleven Thousand
Coureuses and marcheuses
In October Rose
On the last September day
... for La Bonne Cause...

To raise awareness
(Or as the French say)
"Pour agir et pour sensibiliser"...

"Sensibiliser what?"
Mogette can hear you ask:

Well, dear ami-e-s Mogettist-e-s
The idea of this task
Is to raise money...

To search for an answer
To the problem of
Breast Cancer...

So here they are
Five kilomètres later
A Famous Five
(After le ravitaillement...
And a half a Cup of Tea)
Who have survived
The circuit of Les Boulevards

d'Angleterre, des Belges et d' Italie

From Left to Right:
Marie (Golotte)
Carole (who forgot
To find a pseudo, you know)
Adèle (a great Crew member, who is holding Mogette)
And Sophie (Chauchan from...Mouchamps, village of Clemenceau)

"Well done, Les Filles"
Dixit Mogette
Who will not forget
This special moment spent in your company.

She hopes that you will all agree
...that she is nulle en poésie.

Bon Vent to you
The CPAM Pink T-Shirt Crew

(Now click on the pic to see a lot of pink...)

AB Oct 2018