Monday, June 28, 2021

Heaven in Sixty-Seven

Click on Pic for Albert and Audrey...

 Mogette La Deux-Chevaux Coquette

Very bad bilinguale poète

Was in conversation yesterday, hier

With her ami, son propriétaire...

"Alors, proprio"

Said La Deux-Chevaux

"Parle moi à cette heure

D'un célèbre britannique acteur"...

Et Proprio répondit

"Ah, you see ma chère amie, I must tell you about Albert Finney. Perhaps because his carrière, from Fifties to his décès l'année dernière was not ordinaire...

And if you clique, my little voiture chic and sympathique, on the pic in this blog-post

You can see, and hear un extrait from Albert's film I like the most...

Two For The Road, La Route à Deux, un chef d'oeuvre merveilleux...

With l'élégance of Audrey Hepburn, from September nineteen sixty-seven...

Le film is simplement...heaven

Summer of Love, when I, your devoted Propriétaire, did first encounter La Langue de Molière...

Quel début d'aventure, Mogette, for sure!

So click and go, my little amie Deux-Chevaux..."