Sunday, April 1, 2018

Croissant d'Avril, Zoeufs de Pâques...

"Today we look for some zoeufs de paques" Said the author's grandson in franglais this morning...
Mogette la Coquette
Found some oeufs en cocotte
On her way
To Chantonnay

She drove between
Two ribbons
Of spring green

And yellow.

Jaune d'oeuf?
Oh no:
The yellow
Of primroses
Veris et Vulgaris...

And on her way
To Chantonnay
She said to her

"Mon ami,
do you know how many times during the last century
Le Premier Avril
Has fallen on an Easter Sunday?"


Replied her proprio.

"...And is this a Poisson d'Avril type question?"

"Tu vas rigoler"

Replied La Mogette, knowing better
Than to reveal her secret tout de suite
So then teased the driver by saying nothing
For two kilomètres.

They paused outside a yellow wood

And Mogette still said nothing.

The Coucou called for the first time this year
...and then the Oriole...

And proprio jumped a muddy ditch
To collect
A handful of jonquilles.

"Quatre. Quelles jolies fleurs!"
Dixit Mogette
As Proprio pressed
Le bouton du démarreur ...

They drove under the Chemin de Fer
And there
Mogette revealed her secret
of Easter:

"vingt-trois; trente-quatre; quarante-cinq; cinquante-six...
C'est à dire 1923, 1934, 1945, 1956...
Can you see the pattern?

And, turning Mogette's wide steering-wheel
Into le parking de L'Hôtel de Ville
Proprio a rigolé.

"Tu es too much, ma chère Mogette"...

Then, closing her door, d'un air
Le Proprio entered La Boulangerie,

To share

This gem of mathematical improbability


La Boulangère.

Marcel D'Oggerel, 1er avril 2018