Saturday, March 6, 2021

Sunset, Moonrise


Chez Mogette, Bad Bilinguale Poète

You can see at sunset

Au coucher du soleil

On early March day

A formidable... phénomène


As sun goes down

Derrière le Moulin du Grand Champ

Construction 1669, just next

To jardin of Mogette...

You will not regret...

If you pause and take a rest

And turn to look from Ouest to Est
Click on moon for Lune Rousse story

You will observe, there

Behind the oak tree, chêne solitaire

The rising of the full moon: spectaculaire...

Our amis anglais call this the "Snow Moon"

And here, in France

La Lune Rousse ...

Mogette suggests

That, in bad poésie vernaculaire

This moment, very beau


Un cadeau, a gift to share.


Violettes Violets, Violettes Blanches


Click on Mogette to go to a 1951 song...
Mogette La Deux-Chevaux Coquette

Very bad bilinguale poète

Was with her Propriétaire, très tôt

To pose for photo...with violettes

And, voilà!

Can you see, chers et chères ami.e.s

Two varieties

Of Viola?

Oui, oui...

Il y a violettes violets, ici

Et ...Aussi...

Viola Alba

Which is, of course et bien évidemment

A violette of couleur blanche...

A fleur...Who prefers

A climate of Méditerranée

Mais ici...In February...Vendée

Mogette, she

Has found for you un tapis

(En anglais, a carpet)

Of beautiful, bi-chromies...
