Monday, July 20, 2020

Oiseau Yellow...

Loriot (femelle...)
Voici, les ami.e.s
En arrière plan
In the background
Mogette's friend CoCo

Who's full name
That is to say
En entier
CoCo, La Belle Rouge...

CoCo was sad today
In thirty-three degrès découvrir
Après la sieste
Devant la porte de la cuisine...

One of the most beautiful birds
Un des plus beaux
... des oiseaux
Midsummer Night's Dream: CoCo's caravane s'appelle...Puck
Photo Nathalie Robin
That she has ever seen.

Who imagined la réflexion was...
Réalité. Zut, alors

Bright banana yellow
Poor fellow...
(Oh no, it's a femelle, not a fellow)

En anglais Loriot
Golden Oriole

And this year
Cette année twenty-twenty
Monsieur Loriot
Sunset Corner. Photo Nathalie Robin
Sang his joyful song, full and plenty
All day long, between branches green, a flash of gold
Et Madame répondit...
From day after arrival of coucou
And all around
Pendant le Confinement "Lockdown..."

CoCo hopes
-Elle espère-
That our amie éphémère
Has left derrière elle...

As well
... as the echo
In the poplar peuplier trees

Some bébés loriots...

As mauvais poète would propose:

Who knows?

Now clic on les pics, les ami.e.s,  for some...


  1. tres non jolie mon frere ... xxx

  2. on entend souvent le loriot chanter but one rarely can see him...

    So, to see un loriot devant sa porte, dead, it's rare but so triste, really!

    I love its english name...

